

SCS akan melakukan penilaian IRMA di lokasi PT Trimegah Bangun Persada

SCS akan melakukan penilaian IRMA di lokasi PT Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP), atau yang dikenal dengan Harita Nickel; firma audit menerima masukan dari masyarakat setempat dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya

[Bahasa Indonesia | English]

SEATTLE / JAKARTA, 14 Maret 2025 – Hari ini, SCS Global Services (SCS) mengumumkan bahwa pada tanggal 15 – 23 April 2025, SCS akan mengunjungi operasi penambangan dan pemrosesan nikel Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP), yang juga dikenal sebagai Harita Nickel, untuk melakukan tahap penilaian lokasi oleh pihak ketiga yang independen dari Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA). Pada bulan Oktober 2024, Harita Nickel mengumumkan komitmennya atas operasi penambangan dan pemrosesan terkait untuk diaudit secara independen oleh IRMA. Harita Nickel berlokasi di Pulau Obi, Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara, di Indonesia.

Setelah selesai, hasil penilaian IRMA akan menghasilkan laporan audit publik yang dirilis secara lokal dan di situs web IRMA. Laporan ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana SCS menilai operasi Harita Nickel terhadap masing-masing dari 400+ persyaratan Standar IRMA untuk Penambangan yang Bertanggung Jawab, dan mengapa SCS memberikan skor tersebut. Laporan tersebut juga akan menetapkan tingkat pencapaian keseluruhan: Transparansi IRMA, IRMA 50, IRMA 75, atau IRMA 100.

Harita Nickel dapat menggunakan informasi ini tentang dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari operasinya untuk meningkatkan praktiknya. Pemangku kepentingan lain, khususnya masyarakat yang terdampak, dapat menggunakan laporan audit ini untuk bekerja sama dengan Harita Nickel dan pihak lain secara lebih setara guna meningkatkan praktik pertambangan dengan cara yang paling bermanfaat bagi mereka.

Selama SCS berada di lokasi, mereka akan mengumpulkan umpan balik dari para pemangku kepentingan setempat – siapa pun yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung terdampak oleh tambang — termasuk anggota masyarakat, pekerja tambang, dan pejabat pemerintah. Tim SCS juga akan memeriksa operasi dan fasilitas terkaitnya.

15 – 23 April 2025

Auditor dari SCS Global Services akan mengunjungi wilayah tambang Harita Nickel pada bulan April untuk mengumpulkan masukan. Jika Anda memiliki hal untuk disampaikan, silakan mengabarkan tim audit dengan mengirim pesan melalui WhatsApp. Akan jauh lebih baik, jika Anda bersedia untuk melakukan mengatur pembicaraan obrolan tatap muka dengan auditor di waktu dan lokasi yang nyaman bagi Anda antara tanggal 15 dan 23 April.

WhatsApp: +1 520 248 4276 (suara atau teks)

Jika obrolan langsung tidak memungkinkan karena alasan apa pun, dan Anda ingin terhubung, jangan khawatir! Anda juga dapat berbagi pemikiran dengan auditor menggunakan WhatsApp. Tim audit menghormati privasi Anda. Apa pun yang dibagikan dalam wawancara pekerja dan masyarakat bersifat anonim (rahasia) dan akan digabungkan dengan masukan lainnya. Tidak ada nama atau rincian pribadi yang akan muncul dalam laporan auditor atau dibagikan kepada manajemen tambang. Untuk rincian lebih lanjut, silakan lihat dokumen pengumuman audit SCS.

SCS adalah firma audit independen yang telah disetujui dan dilatih oleh IRMA. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang SCS, kunjungi

Misi IRMA adalah melindungi lingkungan dan orang-orang yang secara langsung terkena dampak pertambangan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang IRMA termasuk proses penilaian, Standar IRMA, dan untuk melihat laporan audit tambang lainnya, kunjungi

Untuk status audit Harita Nickel:

Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau keluhan tentang proses penilaian lokasi tambang IRMA atau Standar IRMA, kunjungi


SCS Global Services (SCS) to Conduct On-Site Assessment of Harita Nickel

SCS to conduct on-site IRMA assessment of PT Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP), also known as Harita Nickel; audit firm seeks input from local community and other stakeholders

[Bahasa Indonesia | English]

SEATTLE / JAKARTA, 14 March 2025 – Today, SCS Global Services (SCS) announces that on April 15 – 23, 2025 it will visit the nickel mining and processing operations of Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP), also known as Harita Nickel, to conduct the on-site phase of its independent, third-party Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) assessment. In October 2024, Harita Nickel announced its commitment of the Harita Nickel mining and related processing operations to IRMA independent audit. Harita Nickel is located on Obi Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku, in Indonesia.

When finished, an IRMA assessment results in a public audit report release locally and on the IRMA website. This report will describe how SCS scored Harita Nickel’s operation against each of the 400+ requirements of the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining, and why SCS gave that score. The report will also assign an overall achievement level: IRMA Transparency, IRMA 50, IRMA 75, or IRMA 100.

Harita Nickel can use this information about the environmental and social impacts of its operations to improve its practices. Other stakeholders, particularly affected communities, may use this audit report to engage with Harita Nickel and others on a more equal footing to improve the operation in the ways that matter most to them.

During SCS’s time on-site, they will collect feedback from local stakeholders – anyone directly or indirectly affected by the mine — including community members, mine workers, and government officials. The SCS team will also inspect the operation and its associated facilities.

April 15 – 23, 2025

Auditors from SCS Global Services will be visiting the Harita Nickel Mine region in April to gather input. If you have something to say, you can let the audit team know by messaging them on WhatsApp. Even better, you can set up a face-to-face chat with the auditors at a time and in a location convenient to you between the 15th and 23rd of April.

WhatsApp: +1 520 248 4276 (voice or text)

If an in-person chat is not possible for any reason, and you would like to connect, don’t worry! You can share your thoughts with the auditors using WhatsApp, too. The audit team respects your privacy. Anything shared in worker and community interviews is anonymous and will be combined with other feedback. No names or personal details will appear in the auditors’ report or be shared with mine management. For further details, please see SCS’ audit announcement document

SCS is an independent IRMA-approved and trained audit firm. For more about SCS, visit

IRMA’s mission is to protect the environment and people directly affected by mining. For more about IRMA including the assessment process, the IRMA Standard, and to see audit reports of other mines, visit

For Harita Nickel audit status:

If you have concerns or complaints about the IRMA mine site assessment process or the IRMA Standard, visit

Credit:PT Vale IndonesiaCredit:PT Vale IndonesiaAudits

PT Vale Indonesia commits Sorowako to IRMA audit

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PTVI) has committed its Sorowako nickel operation in Indonesia’s South Sulawesi Province to third-party independent assessment against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. PT Vale Indonesia is jointly controlled by Vale Canada Limited and MIND ID, Indonesia’s mining industry holding company.

“By volunteering Sorowako for an independent audit against the world’s most rigorous global mining standard, PT Vale Indonesia is providing unprecedented transparency into the operations of a Sulawesi mine,” said IRMA Executive Director Aimee Boulanger. “They are effectively putting themselves under a microscope and welcoming affected stakeholders to examine their mine and help them make their mine more responsible.”

“To further strengthen our commitment to responsible mining, we are committing our Sorowako Mine Site to IRMA independent audit. This is a significant milestone in our responsible mining journey which will later include the rest of our mining and processing operations. Through this, we aim to increase transparency and accountability, aligning with best practices that resonate with our stakeholders,” said PT Value Chief of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer, Bernardus Irmanto. “To help achieve this, the IRMA audit report will provide those affected by our mine the information they need to engage in meaningful dialogue about where Sorowako is achieving best practice, and where there is more work to be done.”

The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is (1) a voluntary mining standard describing best practices to protect people and the environment, (2) an assurance process to measure mines against that standard, and (3) an organization equally governed by representatives of six affected stakeholder sectors – communities, organized labor, NGOs, finance, purchasers and mining companies — that oversees the standard and the assurance process. IRMA is globally unique in that its governance provides communities equal power to mining companies, and the non-commercial interests the same power as commercial interests.

PTVI produced 10% of total nickel production in Indonesia (2023), primarily operating out of Sorowako, South Sulawesi. In Q3 2024, PTVI produced 18,008 metric tons of nickel in matte—class 1 nickel—a critical material in stainless steel and battery production. Founded in 1968 as PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (INCO) the company became PT Vale Indonesia in 2011.

ERM CVS, an IRMA-approved independent audit firm, will be carrying out the assessment, which includes a desk review (stage 1, which starts on December 17 for Sorowako) followed by an onsite audit (stage 2). Using the contact information below, members of the affected community, public officials, representatives of the workforce, or other organizations are invited to submit comments starting now regarding how the mine site is managing their impacts to the environment including air, water, waste, greenhouse gasses, and ecosystems; how the mine supports their workforce; and how the mine interacts with the surrounding community, and how it impacts the community, positively or negatively. Interested parties may also ask to be interviewed by auditors once they are on the mine site.

For More Information

  • To follow the progress of the IRMA assessment, visit the IRMA website for Sorowako’s independent assessment status page
  • If you would like more information on how the audit of the Sorowako operation will be conducted against the IRMA standard — contact IRMA’s Director of Assurance: Michelle Smith,
  • Interested parties may reach out to ERM CVS in advance of the audit to ask to be interviewed by auditors either by phone or video conferencing or in person, once the auditors are on the mine site. 30 days prior to the onsite audit, ERM CVS will make its own announcement and invitation directly to local communities and workers. The audit firm can be reached by email at:
Credit: Harita Nickel/TBPCredit: Harita Nickel/TBPPress Release

Tambang Harita Nickel di Kawasi jadi yang pertama di Indonesia yang berkomitmen untuk diaudit oleh IRMA

[English version]

Seattle/Jakarta – 07 Oct 2024 – PT Trimegah Bangun Persada, Tbk, atau Harita Nickel, sebuah perusahaan pertambangan dan pemrosesan nikel terintegrasi, telah berkomitmen untuk melakukan penilaian independen pihak ketiga terhadap Standar IRMA untuk Pertambangan yang Bertanggung Jawab. Tambang Harita Nickel yang berlokasi di Pulau Obi, Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara, merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia yang secara resmi berkomitmen untuk diaudit oleh IRMA.

“Dengan mengajukan diri agar operasi pertambangannya untuk diaudit secara independen terhadap standar pertambangan global yang paling ketat di dunia, Harita Nickel menjadi contoh mengenai transparansi operasional pertambangan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di Indonesia,” ucap Direktur Eksekutif IRMA, Aimee Boulanger. “Harita akan memberikan informasi kepada para pemangku kepentingan yang terdampak yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan perusahaan mengenai cara bagaimana mendorong agar pertambangan mereka lebih bertanggung jawab. Ini merupakan momen yang tepat mengingat pentingnya peran nikel dalam mendukung transisi energi, dan permintaan dari pembeli di hilir untuk mendapatkan nikel yang ditambang secara lebih bertanggung jawab, khususnya untuk sektor otomotif dan energi terbarukan.”

“Komitmen Harita Nickel untuk menjalani audit IRMA yang ketat mencerminkan dedikasi mereka terhadap praktik penambangan yang bertanggung jawab di Indonesia. Kami sangat mengapresiasi inisiatif mereka, yang tidak hanya menjadi tolok ukur bagi industri, tetapi juga mendukung visi pemerintah untuk sektor pertambangan yang lebih transparan serta bertanggung jawab secara lingkungan dan sosial. Upaya ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya penyelarasan industrialisasi nasional dengan standar global, memastikan manfaat jangka panjang bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan kita,” kata Septian Hario Seto, Deputi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Indonesia.

“Kami ingin para pembeli kami yakin bahwa mereka membeli nikel yang didapatkan secara bertanggung jawab,” kata Roy Arman Arfandy, Direktur Utama PT Trimegah Bangun Persada, Tbk (Harita Nickel). “Dengan menjalani audit IRMA yang independen, kami bertujuan untuk menyelaraskan operasi kami dengan praktik terbaik dan mengidentifikasi ruang untuk perbaikan yang berkelanjutan bersama dengan para pemangku kepentingan terdampak dan pemegang hak terkait. Kami berkomitmen untuk melakukan penyelarasan dengan standar internasional untuk penambangan yang bertanggung jawab dalam jangka panjang.”

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) adalah (1) standar pertambangan sukarela yang menjelaskan praktik terbaik untuk melindungi masyarakat dan lingkungan, (2) proses penjaminan untuk mengukur tambang terhadap standar tersebut, dan (3) organisasi yang dikelola secara setara oleh perwakilan dari enam sektor pemangku kepentingan yang terdampak – masyarakat, buruh terorganisasi, LSM, keuangan, pembeli, dan perusahaan pertambangan — yang mengendalikan standar dan proses jaminan. IRMA unik secara global karena tata kelolanya memberikan masyarakat kekuatan yang sama dengan perusahaan pertambangan, dan kepentingan nonkomersial memiliki kekuatan yang sama dengan kepentingan komersial.

Harita Nickel memiliki izin pertambangan yang memulai operasinya di tahun 2010. Melalui anak perusahaan dan afiliasinya, Harita Nickel telah mengoperasikan smelter bijih nikel kadar tinggi (saprolit) sejak tahun 2017, fasilitas pemurnian bijih nikel kadar rendah (limonit) sejak tahun 2021, dan fasilitas produksi nikel sulfat dan kobalt sulfat sejak tahun 2023. Semua fasilitas ini berlokasi di dua wilayah konsesi pertambangan aktif Harita Nickel. Harita Nickel memproduksi bahan baku utama untuk baterai kendaraan listrik – dengan memproses dan memurnikan bijih nikel kadar rendah (limonit) menggunakan teknologi High-Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) untuk menghasilkan Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP), yang kemudian diproses lebih lanjut menjadi nikel sulfat (NiSO4) dan kobalt sulfat (CoSO4).

SCS Global Services, firma audit independen yang disetujui IRMA, akan melakukan penilaian, yang mencakup tinjauan meja (tahap 1) diikuti oleh audit lapangan (tahap 2) [English]. Dengan menggunakan informasi kontak di bawah ini, anggota masyarakat yang terkena dampak, pejabat publik, perwakilan tenaga kerja, atau pihak berkepentingan lainnya diundang untuk menyampaikan komentar dari saat ini mengenai bagaimana lokasi tambang mengelola dampaknya terhadap lingkungan termasuk udara, air, limbah, gas rumah kaca, dan ekosistem; bagaimana tambang mendukung tenaga kerja mereka; dan bagaimana tambang berinteraksi dengan masyarakat sekitar, dan bagaimana hal itu berdampak pada masyarakat. Pihak yang berkepentingan juga dapat meminta untuk diwawancarai oleh auditor setelah mereka berada di lokasi tambang.

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut

  • Untuk mengikuti perkembangan penilaian IRMA, kunjungi situs web IRMA untuk halaman status penilaian independen Harita Nickel [English]
  • Untuk sumber daya berbahasa Indonesia atau untuk menghubungi Koordinator Penjangkauan Masyarakat IRMA yang berbasis di Indonesia, Andre Barahamin, kunjungi halaman selamat datang di Indonesia IRMA
  • Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana audit dilakukan terhadap standar IRMA — hubungi Direktur Jaminan IRMA: Michelle Smith, [English]
  • Pihak yang tertarik dapat menghubungi firma audit independen SCS Global Services  (, untuk berkomentar atau meminta untuk diwawancarai sebagai bagian dari proses audit. Setidaknya 30 hari sebelum audit di tempat, SCS akan membuat pengumuman dan undangannya sendiri secara langsung ke komunitas lokal
Credit: Harita Nickel/TBPCredit: Harita Nickel/TBPPress Release

Harita Nickel mine is first in Indonesia to commit to IRMA audit

[Indonesian version]

Seattle/Jakarta – 07 Oct 2024 –  PT Trimegah Bangun Persada, Tbk  or Harita Nickel, an integrated nickel mining and processing company, has committed its nickel mining and related processing operations to third-party independent assessment against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. Harita Nickel’s mine is the first in Indonesia to formally commit to an IRMA audit. Harita Nickel is located on Obi Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku.

“By volunteering the Harita Nickel mining operation for independent audit against the world’s most rigorous global mining standard, Harita Nickel is providing unprecedented transparency into the operations of an Indonesian mine,” said IRMA Executive Director Aimee Boulanger. “Harita will provide affected stakeholders with information they can use to engage the company in dialogue about how to make their mine more responsible. This is especially timely given the importance of nickel to support the energy transition, and the demand from downstream purchasers to source more responsibly mined nickel, particularly for the automotive and renewable energy sectors.”

“Harita Nickel’s commitment to undergoing the rigorous IRMA audit reflects their dedication to responsible mining practices in Indonesia. We highly appreciate their initiative, which not only sets a benchmark for the industry but also supports the government’s vision for a more transparent, and environmentally and socially responsible mining sector. This effort underscores the importance of aligning national industrialization with global standards, ensuring long-term benefits for our communities and the environment,” said Septian Hario Seto, Indonesia’s Deputy of Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment. 

“We want our purchasers to have confidence that they are buying responsibly sourced nickel,” said Roy Arman Arfandy, President Director of PT Trimegah Bangun Persada, Tbk (Harita Nickel). “By undergoing an independent IRMA audit, we aim to align our operations with best practices and, with affected stakeholders and rights holders, identify areas for ongoing improvement. We are committed to aligning with international standards for responsible mining for the long term.”

The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is (1) a voluntary mining standard describing best practices to protect people and the environment, (2) an assurance process to measure mines against that standard, and (3) an organization equally governed by representatives of six affected stakeholder sectors – communities, organized labor, NGOs, finance, purchasers and mining companies — that controls the standard and the assurance process. IRMA is globally unique in that its governance provides communities equal power to mining companies, and the non-commercial interests have the same power as commercial interests.

Harita Nickel holds mining licenses, under which mining operations commenced in 2010. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, the Company has been operating high-grade nickel ore (saprolite) smelters since 2017, low-grade nickel ore (limonite) processing refinery facilities since 2021, and a nickel and cobalt sulfate refinery since 2023. All these facilities are located in Harita Nickel’s 2 active mining concession areas, on former mining pits. Harita Nickel produces key raw materials for electric vehicle batteries – by processing and refining low-grade nickel ore (limonite) using High-Pressure Acid Leach to produce Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP), which is then further processed into nickel sulfate (NiSO4) and cobalt sulfate (CoSO4).

SCS Global Services, an IRMA-approved independent audit firm, will be carrying out the assessment, which includes a desktop review (stage 1) followed by an onsite audit (stage 2). Using the contact information below, members of the affected community, public officials, representatives of the workforce, or other interested parties are invited to submit comments starting now regarding how the mine site is managing their impacts to the environment including air, water, waste, greenhouse gasses, and ecosystems; how the mine supports their workforce; and how the mine interacts with the surrounding community, and how it impacts the community. Interested parties may also ask to be interviewed by auditors once they are on the mine site.

For More Information

  • To follow the progress of the IRMA assessment, visit the IRMA website for Harita Nickel independent assessment status page
  • If you would like more information on how the audits are conducted against the IRMA standard — contact IRMA’s Director of Assurance: Michelle Smith,
  • Interested parties may contact the independent audit firm SCS Global Services, to share comments or to ask to be interviewed as part of the audit process.  At least 30 days prior to the onsite audit, SCS will make its own announcement and invitation directly to local communities and workers. The audit firm can be reached by email at:
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Engaging Indonesia

At the invitation of Indonesia’s Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, IRMA participated in a series of meetings held September 5-9 in Jakarta to introduce the IRMA Standard and system to a wide range of sectors with interest in mineral development and processing. Represented by Senior Policy Advisor Kristi Disney Bruckner, the meetings occurred following requests from members of IRMA’s Buyers Group for engagement in Indonesia, calling on mine sites to complete independent, third-party audits.

Indonesia’s Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, EITI Indonesia, Eramet, and others collaborated to host a full-day Introducing the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) to Indonesian Mining Companies forum on September 6th. Over 140 participants attended the event, including representatives of more than 25 companies with experience in nickel, aluminum, steel, coal, and other sectors. Participants also included representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Environment and Forestry, Finance, and Investment; the National Standardization Agency; state-owned enterprises; French and U.S. Embassies; and NGOs Publish What You Pay, Action for Ecology and People Emancipation (AEER), and others; media; consultants; academics; investors; and purchasing companies. Speakers at the event included representatives of Eramet, IRMA, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, the EITI Secretariat, and Ørsted.

Screenshot of Forum: Introducing the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)

IRMA participated in a separate NGO Roundtable on September 7th, attended by Publish What You Pay, Keanekaragaman Hayati (Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation), Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (Indonesian Nature Conservation Foundation, YKAN), Auriga Nusantara, World Resources Indonesia, Peduli Konservasi Alam (Movement for Nature Conservation, PEKI), Konservasi Indonesia (Conservation Indonesia), Wetlands International Indonesia, and AEER.

IRMA also held ad hoc meetings throughout the week with representatives of NGOs, government, and companies.

Indonesia is a major producer of nickel and other materials needed for EVs and is key to the energy transition. The recent history of mining in Indonesia includes environmental harm and human rights violations, particularly in Papua Province. Addressing those harms, preventing future harm, and ensuring equitable distribution of benefits requires responsible management of the mining sector. 

The Indonesian government’s invitation and its completion of a gap analysis between the country’s legal framework and the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining signal recognition of the IRMA Standard as a model to capture the increasing market value of environmental and social responsibility. IRMA is a tool available to all Indonesian stakeholders–government, NGOs, affected communities, organized labor, mining companies, purchasing companies, and investors–to promote more responsible environmental and social management in the mining sector. IRMA’s engagement in Indonesia supports efforts to improve governance of the mining sector and bring Indonesian mines into  IRMA’s independent, third-party audit and transparent reporting process. These steps can promote good governance from national to mine site levels, benefitting diverse stakeholders and rights holders in Indonesia.