
Cover of Electric Vehicle Batteries reportCover of Electric Vehicle Batteries report

The Berkeley Center for Law, Energy and the Environment (CLEE), and Ceres

, an NGO working with capital market leaders to solve world sustainability challenges, published “Electric Vehicle Batteries: A Guidebook for Responsible Corporate Engagement Throughout the Supply Chain.”

The Ceres/CLEE guidebook recommends that EV battery manufacturers “Indicate a preference for batteries with minerals from IRMA-certified suppliers” and “Become a member of IRMA [to] publicly demonstrate a commitment to responsible sourcing.


The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

researchers Rusty Langdon and Elsa Dominish posted about “The Energy Conundrum” to answer the question “We could need 6 times more of the minerals used for renewables and batteries. How can we avoid a huge increase in mining impacts?”

Langdon and Dominish answered this question in part by referencing their research which “identified the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance as one of the more rigorous standards,” and then asked “How do practices in Australia measure up to [IRMA]?”


The Institute for Sustainable Futures (University of Technology Sydney) and the University of Melbourne

published “Certification and LCA of Australian Battery Materials – Drivers and Options,” a study assessing the merits of various certification schemes in conjunction with efforts to demonstrate Australian materials are produced in accordance with best practices.

The report noted: “Several interviewees noted the advantages of the IRMA scheme. These included that they considered the IRMA certification process to be ‘most thorough’ and ‘best standard and process,’ and ‘the most comprehensive of existing schemes.’ One noted that the ‘standard is very high, in terms of social and environmental impacts; integrity really shows.’”

Based on these interviews and the authors’ own research, they concluded that “IRMA is ready for mine site certification now, and appears to offer more advantages (transparency, governance, clear processes), [and] appears to offer a no-regrets approach.”