IRMA hosts various webinars and seminars on topics close to our heart. Browse our past webinars!
Past Webinars
Webinar | Responsible Mining: What is IRMA and How Can You Use it?
May 19, 2020 08:00 AM (Pacific)
What can mining companies do to get a jumpstart on meeting increased private sector expectations for the future?
What can purchasers do now to source responsibly even when operating at lower capacity?
Why is responsible mining more important than ever for labor, NGOs and impacted communities?
Webinar | Responsible Mining: How to Approach Community Health and Emergency Response Now and in the Future
May 20, 2020 08:00 AM (Pacific)
How does the Standard for Responsible Mining address worker health & safety, community health and emergency response, and how can you use these approaches now during this pandemic and in the future?
What efforts are unions undertaking to protect workers?