energy transition

Hands together at the Mototolo workshopHands together at the Mototolo workshopStandards

Standards’ role in a responsible transition for steel and mining

ResponsibleSteel and the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) are collaborating on a joint project funded by ISEAL to better understand the social impacts of the net-zero transition for the steel and mining sectors and how standards can help guide good practice.

Two project leads, Haruko Horii, Standards Manager at ResponsibleSteel, and Davidzo Muchawaya, Africa Regional Lead at IRMA, provide a short Q&A for readers to better understand the project.

Q: Haruko, what is the vision for the project?

With this project, we want to understand the social impacts of the transition to net zero and what role standards can play in guiding good practice.

The term ‘just transition’ is used by different people in different ways. We need to determine what this looks like for the mining and steel sectors. What exactly is a just transition? Whose transition are we discussing? Workers, local communities or supply chains? What is the scope of transition? These are some of the questions we need to consider.

Decarbonisation could have adverse social impacts such as job losses or displacement and significant effects on weakening the economic viability of affected communities. Initial research has shown that communities are facing significant social impacts caused by the transition to low-carbon practices. For instance, thousands of people have lost their jobs as a result of shifting from blast furnace technology to electric arc furnaces. These job losses have in turn impacted the wider community’s economic stability, community identity, and overall well-being.

These are the types of issues we aim to identify through this project, assessing how voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) can address them, identifying gaps, and outlining steps for future, more detailed work that could lead to larger-scale initiatives. We’ll test our findings by engaging with workers, unions, business leaders, community organisations, and other relevant stakeholders to identify an agreed approach and create practical guidance for players in the mining and steel industry.

Q: Davidzo, what do ResponsibleSteel and IRMA have in common, and why are they collaborating on a just transition?

We believe in the power of collaboration and mutual recognition. This project is just one of many examples of how different VSSs can complement and leverage each other’s work. Specifically, ResponsibleSteel leverages the assurance system of standards such as IRMA’s at mine site level, while focusing on the steel production aspects. Importantly, both ResponsibleSteel and IRMA were founded on a multi-stakeholder governance system, which has been recognised as a leading practice both by industry and NGOs. This model is recognised as best practice to ensure transparency, accountability, and inclusivity.

The collaboration specific to a just transition is born out of the necessity to ensure two hard-to-abate sectors, steel and mining, address the realities workers and communities are facing in our changing world as many existing mine and steelmaking sites face adaptation or closure. Given the varying impacts of decarbonisation across regions, IRMA and ResponsibleSteel are uniquely positioned to provide frameworks that apply across these different contexts since they are both standard-setting organisations operating globally. What is more, they are able to consider both decarbonisation and the potential social impacts of the transition at the same time.

Q: How do each of you respectively integrate just transition into your standards?

Haruko: Standards are going to play a critical role in promoting accountability during the transition, ensuring they are fair and equitable. Although there is no explicit reference to a just transition in the current ResponsibleSteel International Production Standard, there are some elements to address the transition under Principle 4: Decommissioning and Closure of sites, which requires consultation with key stakeholders to minimise any adverse impacts. In future, the scope of this principle could be expanded to address issues related to site closures, or the Production Standard could adopt a different approach by providing a Just Transition Framework giving steel producers guidelines and tools to navigate an equitable transition with workers and affected communities. We plan to discuss these approaches with stakeholders in the next phases of the project. Integrating practices into the Production Standard will help ensure the industry’s transition is both environmentally and socially just.

Davidzo: As for the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining, multiple chapters and requirements articulate what best practices could and should be for mining operations wishing to ensure a just transition for workers and affected communities. A prominent example is the requirement to involve affected communities and stakeholders in the development, design, and implementation of the mine rehabilitation and closure plan. Going beyond minimum transparency, the IRMA Standard outlines a series of requirements dedicated to the adequate estimation and financing of mine closure and post-closure. Research shows that the mining operations often leave behind environmental and social liabilities, without taking charge of costs associated with the rehabilitation or appropriate closure of the sites thereby foregoing an adequate transition.

Crucially, the role played by both ResponsibleSteel and IRMA would not be the same without their multi-stakeholder governance systems. Thanks to the decision making process that takes into account private sector players as well as rights holders and labour unions, they can ensure that the voices of all parties are heard and taken into account in an equal way – hopefully adding the “just” element to “transition”.

Q: Davidzo, who is the main audience for this project?

The main audience for this project is workers and labour unions, as workers are most directly affected by the transition. Operators, from mining companies to steelmakers, are also key since, as employers, their actions and decisions will be critical to the social impacts of the transition, alongside national and subnational governments. Local communities impacted by the transition, NGOs that aim to act in their interests and standard-setting organisations are also key stakeholders.

Q: Haruko, is there a specific geographic focus for the project?

While just transition challenges and opportunities vary from country to country and even from site to site, the project is truly global as it strives to bring the complexities of these different realities to light. We aim to engage with stakeholders across different regions during the project to hear from different stakeholders the realities of the transition in different contexts. More information on this to come!

Find out more about Responsible Steel at Find out more about IRMA at

Find out more about the project background, visit the project page on the ISEAL website.

UNSG CETM Panel at the Aug 2024 Nairobi meeting.UNSG CETM Panel at the Aug 2024 Nairobi meeting.Energy Transition

Update: UN Critical Energy Transition Minerals Panel

On 20-21 August, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals held its last in-person meeting in Nairobi at the UN Environmental Programme Headquarters.

The meeting focused on developing a short list of actionable recommendations to accompany a set of voluntary principles on issues key to the panel aims of “building trust between governments, communities and industry, enhancing transparency and investment, and ensuring a just and equitable management of sustainable, responsible, and reliable value chains for terrestrial critical energy transition minerals.”

The Nairobi meeting followed a series of virtual discussions with civil society and Indigenous rights holders, industry, and artisanal and small-scale miners, convened by Panel Co-Chairs  Ambassador Nozipho Joyce Mxakato-Diseko of South Africa and Ms. Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General for Energy of the European Commission. These discussions and input received through a July UN-hosted written submissions period informed panel members and their input on the draft principles and recommendations.

The panel began its work in April 2024 and will finalize its report for the Secretary-General in early September for expected publication on the 11th of September 2024.

While we do not have control over the final panel report, we hope that our input has contributed to bringing the experience and insights across all IRMA sectors into the principles and actionable recommendations. We appreciate all who took valuable time to submit comments and recommendations to inform the work of the panel.

Look for the final report to be posted soon in our social media feeds and on the UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Website.

UN Secretary General's Critical Energy Transition Minerals Panel in CopenhagenUN Secretary General's Critical Energy Transition Minerals Panel in CopenhagenEnergy Transition

Inform the UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals

Input Requested by 30 July to Inform the UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals

This July IRMA participated in the first in-person meeting of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The panel is charged with developing “a set of global and common voluntary principles on issues which are key to building trust between governments, communities and industry, enhancing transparency and investment and ensuring a just and equitable management of sustainable, responsible, and reliable value chains for terrestrial critical energy transition minerals.”

The work of the panel is a UN-wide effort with technical support from the UN Environment Program, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, and other UN bodies.

Panel Timeline: April to September 2024

The panel is working under a tight timeline. UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced the panel on 2 December 2023 at COP28 in Dubai. The panel was launched on 26 April this year and the first substantive panel meeting was held in a virtual format on 22 May.

Between the May and early July, panel members worked across four workstreams divided into four related topics:

  1. Benefit sharing, local value addition and economic diversification;
  2. Transparent and fair trade and investments;
  3. Sustainable, responsible and just value chains; and
  4. Mineral value chain stability and resilience.

Each workstream met twice in virtual formats to discuss and propose principles and recommended actions in preparation for the in-person 8-9 July panel meeting in Copenhagen. Prior to the Copenhagen meeting, a set of Civil Society Recommendations for the panel, supported by over 136 organizations around the world, was submitted to inform the panel’s work.

The last panel meeting will be held in person 20-21 August in Nairobi. The final panel report is to be submitted to the Secretary-General by early September 2024.

Opportunity to Submit Comments

On 2 July the UN published a panel background paper and opened a portal for public submission of comments to inform the panel. The portal will remain open through 30 July. We encourage you to submit comments and share the opportunity to do so with your networks.

IRMA also welcomes your recommendations regarding our engagement in the panel and any aspect of the panel’s work. Please contact us at to inform this effort.

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UN Secretary-General's Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Panel bannerUN Secretary-General's Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals Panel bannerEnergy Transition

The UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals

IRMA Engagement in the UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals

IRMA is serving as a non-state actor panel member in the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals.

The panel, co-chaired by Ambassador Nozipho Joyce Mxakato-Diseko of South Africa and Ms. Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General for Energy of the European Commission, aims to “build trust between governments, local communities and industry, by addressing issues relating to equity, transparency, investment, sustainability and human rights” in the mining sector. The objectives of the panel are to:

  1. Support a just and equitable transition to renewable energies while harnessing critical energy transition minerals for sustainable development.
  2. Ensure countries and local communities endowed with these minerals fully benefit economically, including through local value addition, while safeguarding social and environmental protections for affected communities and ecosystems.
  3. Strengthen international cooperation including through the alignment and harmonization of existing norms, standards and initiatives and agree on areas for enhanced multilateral action.

The UN Secretary General announced formation of the panel at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai and launched the panel on 26 April 2024. The panel will build on the work of IRMA and other existing standards as well as prior and ongoing UN initiatives to inform recommendations, including a set of voluntary principles, for the UN Secretary-General to share at the UN General Assembly this September.

IRMA welcomes your recommendations regarding our engagement in the panel, its objectives, and how to achieve these objectives. Please reach out to to inform our engagement.

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