Draft Standard 2.0

With the release of the Draft Standard for Responsible Mining and Mineral Processing V2.0 (Español and English), IRMA began public consultation to improve the Standard originally released in 2018.

We aspire to release the final Standard 2.0 toward the end of 2025. Before its release, a public report on the comment period and the rationale for the changes made. will be published, and a second round of public comment will be organized.

We have a shared responsibility
View Std 2.0 Consultation Recordings
Click above to view Standard 2.0 consultations

Although most of us will never visit a mine, all of us used mined materials daily: in our phones and laptops; in the cars, buses, trains or bikes we use to get around; in the buildings and furniture we use every day, and so much more.

Mining operations are complex and disruptive, and we have a collective responsibility for reducing their impacts. While many sectors rely on mining, from jewelry and cosmetics to travel and agriculture, the energy transition has heightened our reliance on mining, particularly related to the electrification of vehicles and the production of renewable energy. While responsible sourcing of all mined materials is essential, our efforts to address the climate crisis and create a more sustainable future have further magnified the importance that mining is done responsibly.

We invite you to contribute

Since its founding, IRMA has been a forum where all with an interest in mining can provide perspectives on what it means to mine more responsibly and work together to define mining best practices.

The Standard 2.0 revision

DRAFT Standard for Responsible Mining and Mineral Processing 2.0 coverIRMA revises the Standard at the heart of the independent assessment process at least every five years, following international good practice and our Terms of Reference.

Transparently reviewing and updating the Standard following the IRMA Standard Development Process ensures it is accountable to all stakeholders and Indigenous rights holders, and allows for the incorporation of changes in best practice to provide a global responsible mining benchmark. It is important to note that this is a DRAFT Standard; it doesn’t represent content endorsed by  IRMA’s Board of Directors — they seek the wisdom and guidance of all commenters to answer the questions posed by the DRAFT Standard..

The public consultation period ran from October 26, 2023 to January 26, 2024. All comments will be considered carefully – a summary of comments and IRMA’s responses will be provided after the consultation period ends.

Topic Specific Consultation Webinars

IRMA hosted live, virtual consultations to discuss and comment on different topics covered by the Draft Standard. Facilitated by the IRMA Secretariat, these meetings shared information about the proposed changes and/or new areas in a specific topic inside the Standard (download or view specific chapters here). They provided an immediate opportunity to answer guided questions where IRMA especially seeks feedback.

List of consultations and links to their recordings.

How to comment

The comment period closed on 26 January 2024. Although subseqent comments can still be submitted, we do not guarantee they will be used in finalizing the Standard. For more information please contact our Standards Director Pierre Petit-De Pasquale: pdepasquale@repsonsiblemining.net. 

Via the web

IRMA Standard online commenting form. We prefer to receive comments via this platform in order to process comments efficiently.

Other methods

If you comment via one of the methods below please include with your comments:

  • Your name, whether you want your comment to be confidential, organization (and whether you are commenting on behalf of that organization), email address, country, and sector.
  • For each comment reference the relevant chapter, requirement, and/or consultation question so that we can incorporate it appropriately into our review.
Via WhatsApp

To comment via text or voice, scan the code at right or enter the IRMA WhatsApp number: +1.301.202.1445.

IRMA WhatsApp QR code
Scan this code with your phone to submit comments via WhatsApp
Via email


Via postal mail

Send to
IRMA Std Comments
113 Cherry St, #74985
Seattle, Washington, 98104
United States

Access Standard 2.0 resources, including full text of the Standard as PDF (in English or Spanish) or spreadsheet.

What is under review

The entire 2018 IRMA Standard is being reviewed for improvement. That includes:

Integrating more aspects of mining operations:
  • Mineral exploration and development
  • Mineral processing
Developing or improving chapters on:
  • Gender Equality / Gender Protections – NEW chapter requires development of a gender policy and assessment, management, monitoring and reporting on gender-related risks and opportunities
  • Financial Transparency and Anti-Corruption – more detailed procedures and communication and reporting requirements
  • FPIC and Indigenous Peoples – Revisions address the provision of more detail on the identification and avoidance of Indigenous Peoples living in voluntary isolation, clarifies requirements for existing mines related to FPIC (to address prior consent), more detail on what should be included in FPIC or remedy agreements and validation of agreements, addition of grievance mechanism accessible to Indigenous Peoples and developed in collaboration with them
  • Physical Stability – NEW chapter includes enhanced design, quality control, monitoring, maintenance and oversight of facilities with high risks (“critical facilities”) and characterization of emission sources; incorporates Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM)
  • Land and Soil – NEW chapter from draft Standard for Mineral Processing enhances requirements related to land and soil
Addressing individual topics, including:
  • GHG emissions and energy
  • Circularity
  • Operational Health & Safety
  • Responsible Sourcing
  • Human rights
  • Cultural heritage
Provide structural improvements to the standard, such as:
  • Clarifying language and adding guidance based on experience from the first mines to be audited and feedback from local stakeholders and rights holders, NGOs, organized labor, investors, mining companies and purchasing companies.
  • More consistent terminology throughout the standard

Access Standard 2.0 resources, including full text of the Standard as PDF (in English or Spanish) or spreadsheet.


Note: For the full text of disclaimers, please read the PDF of the DRAFT.

General Disclaimer

The DRAFT Standard for Responsible Mining and Minerals Processing (v2.0) is not a finished document, nor seeking final review, but rather is structured to invite a full range of questions, comments and recommendations to improve the IRMA Standard.

It has been prepared and updated by the IRMA Secretariat based on learnings from the implementation of the Standard (v.1.0), experience from the mines independently audited under Standard v1.0, evolving expectations for best practices in mining to reduce harm, comments and recommendations received from stakeholders and Indigenous rights holders, and the input of subject-specific expert Working Groups convened by IRMA in 2022-2023.

Expert Working Groups were created to catalyze suggestions for solutions on issues we knew most needed attention in this update process. They were not tasked to come to consensus nor make formal recommendations.

The DRAFT Standard 2.0 does not represent content that has been endorsed by IRMA’s equally-governed, multistakeholder Board of Directors. IRMA’s Board leaders seek the wisdom and guidance of all readers to answer the questions posed by this draft and inform this opportunity to improve the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining.

Disclaimer on Mineral Supply Chain and Responsible Sourcing, and Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Area Due Diligence

In the final version of the 2018 IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining there is no chapter that specifically addresses the sourcing of raw materials, given the focus is primarily on the extraction of raw materials. However, a chapter on Mineral Supply Chain and Responsible Sourcing was proposed as Chapter 1.6 in the 2021 draft IRMA Standard for Responsible Mineral Processing, given the importance of raw material sourcing at the processing point of the supply chain.

As part of the IRMA Standards Development Process, a draft chapter was submitted for Board’s approval (Chapter 1.XX). But the IRMA Board of Directors has not yet agreed on a set of criteria and requirements for such a chapter, and is proposing to convene an Expert Working Group to better elucidate current best practices and to help propose an approach that reflects those practices. The intention is that a draft chapter will be released separately for public consultation in the next few months.

Regarding Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA), the revised Chapter is also under development, but a first draft is made available (Chapter 3.4) and IRMA welcomes comments on it. The IRMA Board of Directors has mandated the IRMA Secretariat convene an Expert Working Group on the subject.

One of the issues that will be considered in that working group is the possibility of combining a Responsible Sourcing chapter with the CAHRA chapter (since management of risks in CAHRA is a component of responsible sourcing). While dependent on the outcomes of this Working Group (and informed by the comments received during this public-comment period), it is anticipated that a second draft of the Chapter on Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Area Due Diligence will then be released separately for public consultation in the next few months.

Participate in an expert working group on these chapters

If you are interested in participating in an Expert Working Group on Mineral Supply Chain and Responsible Sourcing and/or Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Area Due Diligence, please contact IRMA’s Standards Director, Pierre De Pasquale.


Live Consultations

Recordings of all live consultations are linked from the Consultation page.

21 Nov 2023 draft Chain of Custody Standard

Recordings of the 21 November Chain of Custody introductory webinar are now available in English, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish on the Chain of Custody page.

31 Oct 2023 draft Standard for Responsible Mining & Mineral Processing Introductory Webinar

English | French | Indonesian | Mandarin | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish






