
Cover thumbnail - The role of Traceability in Criticial Mineral Supply ChainsCover thumbnail - The role of Traceability in Criticial Mineral Supply Chains


released The Role of Traceability in Critical Mineral Supply Chains. The report recognizes the value of IRMA’s integrated approach to chain of custody:

Some chain of custody standards, such as those by the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance […], go beyond traceability by integrating performance requirements that ensure responsible practices at the mine or processor of origin. The reliability of this information is crucial, with growing attention on these initiatives’ governance systems, oversight models, and approaches to information and external accountability.”

GIZ report cover thumbnailGIZ report cover thumbnail


and Levin Sources on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development published Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Mineral Sector Governance: Synergies and Practices.

The report repeatedly highlights that IRMA stands apart from other voluntary standards in how it actively engages with and informs government authorities, before, during, and after audits. For example, it uses IRMA’s interaction with Indonesian authorities as a case study in how “voluntary  standards can engage in partnerships with governments and a range of stakeholders and rightsholders to improve responsible practices in the mining sector. IRMA’s engagement in Indonesia revolves around this concept.”

Cover thumbnail of BC ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS resolution supporting IRMACover thumbnail of BC ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS resolution supporting IRMA

The BC Assembly of First Nations

issued the resolution Support for the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) Mining Standard.

“Be it resolved that: The BCAFN Chiefs-in-Assembly endorse the IRMA Mining Standard and call on the government of British Columbia to support and adopt the IRMA mining standard, ensuring that it includes the right of free, prior and informed consent to our traditional and unceded territories, respecting the territorial boundaries that we confirm through working together Nation to Nation.”

FNMEC Criticial Minerals Strategy coverFNMEC Criticial Minerals Strategy cover

BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council (FNMEC)

published “BC First Nations Critical Minerals Strategy.”

Recommendation 19 of the strategy says “First Nations, in their sole and absolute discretion, may require all mineral projects, including critical minerals projects, be assessed and audited by the world’s leading mining standard created by the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (“IRMA”). The IRMA audit process is transparent, independent and voluntary. The IRMA process is analogous to forest certification processes, such as the Forest Stewardship Council. Industry mining standards and certification schemes are biased processes and not supported by most First Nations.”


The Biden-Harris Interagency Working Group

on Mining Laws, Regulations and Permitting published its “Recommendations to Improve Mining on Public Lands

It positively calls out the IRMA Standard for special attention among voluntary mining standards, “This report endorses the adoption of a number of components of voluntary standards—particularly ones from the IRMA standard developed by a multi-stakeholder coalition comprised of the mining industry, end-users, environmental and human rights NGOs, labor organizations, and others.”

UK Critical Minerals Strategy thumbnailUK Critical Minerals Strategy thumbnail

The UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

published a policy paper: “Resilience for the Future: The UK’s Critical Minerals Strategy.”

In the section titled “Resilience Through ESG Performance,” IRMA is listed as a globally recognized framework which could contribute to “role model standards for sustainable development of resources in the UK” and “protect the interests of communities and our natural environment.”


Philippe Varin, commissioned by the French Ministries of Ecological Transition and Industry

to produce a Jan 2022 report on securing energy transition minerals for French industry, was interviewed by Euractiv.

In stressing that “mines should be responsible by complying with the ‘clearest and most binding standards possible’, he included “the standard proposed by the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance, comprising environmental impacts, works’ health, respect for human rights, and financials transparency in the mining sector.”

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