Integrating a Credible and Harmonized End-to-End Minerals Supply Chain Assurance System

Date and Time: 21 November 2024 @ 09:00am – 10:00am
Location: San Jose, CA
Registration Form

Hosted by the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)

Downstream purchasers of mined materials are increasingly being expected to know the provenance of those materials in their products and to conduct due diligence on the conditions under which those materials were extracted and processed. However, the complexity of modern global supply chains means that meeting these expectations is extremely difficult for most downstream purchasers as they do not directly source the raw materials in their products. This complex experience is made even more challenging by a confusing array of different standards and different stages of the value chain, each with their own focus, vocabulary, governance, and nuance.

With mining recognized by many as one of the greatest points of risk in most supply chains, this session will seek to unpack the challenges facing downstream purchasers in navigating minerals supply chain due diligence and identify opportunities for greater clarity, robustness, streamlined integration, and an improved user experience.

Please join us in San Jose alongside the Responsible Business 2024 conference for a private discussion regarding minerals supply chain due diligence and traceability. Key questions to be explored include:

  • What makes a standard credible to key stakeholders, particularly investors, regulators, NGOs, and communities?
  • What does mine-level assessment mean for downstream supply chain due diligence?
  • How can downstream purchasers make sense of the plethora of different standards – and how can assurance systems themselves help streamline and simplify the experience for downstream actors?
  • How should downstream purchasers integrate upstream and midstream supply chain standards into their own procurement policies and supplier expectations?
  • How can downstream purchasers connect due diligence at the mining and processing levels in the upstream supply chain to due diligence in their own operations?
  • What is the link between traceability and due diligence – and how can the link be made in the near-term for downstream purchasers?

This event will be held at Responsible Business 2024 between November 18-21. Space is limited.

Scheduled Speakers to be confirmed shortly.

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