

28 Aug onsite audit for Gerdau’s Várzea do Lopes Mine

Between August 28 and September 5, 2023, SCS Global Services (SCS) will commence an independent audit of Gerdau’s Várzea do Lopes Iron Ore Mine operation to evaluate its performance under the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) Standard for Responsible Mining.  IRMA is a voluntary assessment system that provides a set of best practice standards and participatory stakeholder engagement requirements created to improve mining operations’ environmental and social performance.

The third-party, independent audit provides stakeholders, including community members, workers, organized labor, government representatives, and other interested parties, the opportunity to give feedback on the mine’s environmental, health, safety, and community performance.  SCS will use stakeholder comments to help determine how the Várzea do Lopes Mine operation performs relative to the IRMA Standard.

Stakeholders are invited to submit written comments to coincide with the on-site audit.  Stakeholders may also contact SCS if they would like to be interviewed.  Interviews will take place virtually (telephone or videoconference) or in person.  Stakeholder comments, questions, and interview requests can be made through the link below; commenters’ identities and remarks are kept confidential upon request.


Upon completion of the Gerdau’s Várzea doLopes Mine audit, IRMA will publish the independent audit results and present an overall achievement score: IRMA Transparency, IRMA 50, IRMA 75, or IRMA 100.

SCS is an IRMA-approved certification body with head offices in Emeryville, California.  For more information about SCS, please visit

The IRMA Standard is the world’s most comprehensive mining standard for industrial-scale mines and the only one equally governed by all stakeholders: mining companies, mineral purchasers, investors, organized labor, communities, and civil society NGOs.  Mine site verification under the IRMA Standard is voluntary.  For more information on the IRMA Standard requirements and certification, visit


Auditoria de campo independente de acordo com a Norma IRMA para Mineração Responsável, Mina Miguel Burnier

Entre 28 de agosto e 05 de setembro de 2023, a SCS Global Services (SCS) realizará uma auditoria de terceira parte na mina de minério de ferro Miguel Burnier, da Gerdau Açominas, com relação à Iniciativa de Garantia de Mineração Responsável (IRMA). A IRMA é um sistema de auditoria voluntário que fornece um conjunto de diretrizes de melhores práticas e requisitos de engajamento participativo das partes interessadas, criado para melhorar o desempenho ambiental e social das operações de mineração.

A auditoria independente e de terceira parte oferece às partes interessadas, incluindo membros da comunidade, trabalhadores, sindicatos, representantes do governo e outros grupos afetados, a oportunidade de dar sua opinião sobre o desempenho ambiental, de saúde, de segurança e de relacionamento com a comunidade da mina. A SCS usará os comentários das partes interessadas para ajudar a determinar o desempenho da operação da Mina Miguel Burnier em relação à Norma IRMA.

Os interessados são convidados a enviar comentários por escrito para coincidir com a auditoria de campo.

As partes interessadas também podem entrar em contato com a SCS se quiserem ser entrevistadas. As entrevistas serão realizadas virtualmente (telefone ou videoconferência) ou pessoalmente. Os comentários, perguntas e solicitações de entrevistas podem ser feitos por meio do link abaixo; as identidades e observações dos comentaristas serão mantidas em sigilo mediante solicitação.

Link para contato:

Após a conclusão da auditoria na Mina Miguel Burnier, pertencente à Gerdau, os resultados da auditoria independente serão publicados pela IRMA, que apresentará uma pontuação geral de realização: IRMA Transparência, IRMA 50, IRMA 75 ou IRMA 100.

A SCS é uma empresa de certificação aprovada pela IRMA com sede em Emeryville, Califórnia. Para obter mais informações sobre a SCS, visite

A Norma IRMA é a mais completa norma de mineração do mundo para minas em escala industrial e a única administrada igualmente por todas as partes interessadas: empresas de mineração, compradores de minérios, investidores, organizações trabalhistas, comunidades e ONGs da sociedade civil.  A auditoria no local da mina de acordo com a Norma IRMA é voluntária.  Para obter mais informações sobre os requisitos e a certificação da Norma IRMA, acesse


Onsite audit for Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier Mine coming 28 August

Between August 28 and September 5, 2023, SCS Global Services (SCS) will commence an independent audit of Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier Iron Ore Mine operation to evaluate its performance under the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) Standard for Responsible Mining.  IRMA is a voluntary assessment system that provides a set of best practice standards and participatory stakeholder engagement requirements created to improve mining operations’ environmental and social performance.

The third-party, independent audit provides stakeholders, including community members, workers, organized labor, government representatives, and other interested parties, the opportunity to give feedback on the mine’s environmental, health, safety, and community performance.  SCS will use stakeholder comments to help determine how the Miguel Burnier Mine operation performs relative to the IRMA Standard.

Stakeholders are invited to submit written comments to coincide with the on-site audit.  Stakeholders may also contact SCS if they would like to be interviewed.  Interviews will take place virtually (telephone or videoconference) or in person.  Stakeholder comments, questions, and interview requests can be made through the link below; commenters’ identities and remarks are kept confidential upon request.


Upon completion of the Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier Mine audit, IRMA will publish the independent audit results and present an overall achievement score: IRMA Transparency, IRMA 50, IRMA 75, or IRMA 100.

SCS is an IRMA-approved certification body with head offices in Emeryville, California.  For more information about SCS, please visit

The IRMA Standard is the world’s most comprehensive mining standard for industrial-scale mines and the only one equally governed by all stakeholders: mining companies, mineral purchasers, investors, organized labor, communities, and civil society NGOs.  Mine site verification under the IRMA Standard is voluntary.  For more information on the IRMA Standard requirements and certification, visit


Gender equality, gender protections and IRMA

The IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining contains requirements integrating gender equality and gender protections in Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Today we posted a Spanish language fact sheet explaining them.

Thumbnail of cover of IRMA comments to ANSI re DIN ISO raw materialsThumbnail of cover of IRMA comments to ANSI re DIN ISO raw materialsComments

Comments to ANSI re DIN ISO Sustainable Raw Materials Proposal

On 30 Jun, IRMA submitted comments to the American National Standards Institute regarding the DIN ISO Sustainable Raw Materials Proposal. Available here, the introduction is excerpted below:

June 30, 2023

Steven Cornish
ANSI Senior Director of International Policy and Strategy

Dear Mr. Cornish,

Thank you and your colleagues at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the opportunity to submit comments on the DIN ISO Sustainable Raw Materials Proposal.

We do not think the ISO Sustainable Raw Materials standard as outlined in this proposal is needed because the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is already addressing the gaps identified in the proposal.

IRMA Mining Engagement Slide - June 2023IRMA Mining Engagement Slide - June 2023Blog

IRMA Mining Engagement Update – Jun 2023

IRMA Mining Engagement Slide - June 2023As of Jun 2023, 74 mining companies are now engaged in IRMA representing 94 sites:

  • 58 sites are self-assessing under the IRMA Standard, the first step before an independent audit;
  • 21 are piloting the draft IRMA exploration (IRMA Ready) or mineral processing standard self-assessments
  • 15 are in the independent assessment system: 12 audits are underway (South Africa, Senegal, Mozambique, Brazil, Chile, Argentina) and 3 completed audits have been published (Zimbabwe, Mexico, Chile)
  • They encompass 29 countries:
    1. Argentina
    2. Australia
    3. Brazil
    4. Canada
    5. Chile
    6. Colombia
    7. Dominican Rep.
    8. Finland
    9. France
    10. Indonesia
    11. Liberia
    12. Mexico
    13. Mozambique
    14. Namibia
    15. New Caledonia
    16. Norway
    17. Panama
    18. Portugal
    19. Philippines
    20. Russia
    21. Senegal
    22. South Africa
    23. Spain
    24. Sri Lanka
    25. Turkey
    26. Ukraine
    27. United States
    28. Zambia
    29. Zimbabwe
  • And 52 minerals and mineral types:
    1. Aggregates
    2. Barite
    3. Bauxite
    4. Cerium
    5. Chromite
    6. Chromium
    7. Coal (metallurgical)
    8. Cobalt
    9. Copper
    10. Diamonds
    11. Europium
    12. Feldspar
    13. Gadolinium
    14. Gold
    15. Graphite
    16. Iridium
    17. Iron
    18. Kyanite
    19. Lanthanum
    20. Lead
    21. Limestone
    22. Lithium
    23. Magnesium
    24. Mica
    25. Mineral sands
    26. Molybdenum
    27. Monazite sand
    28. Neodymium
    29. Nickel
    30. Osmium
    31. Palladium
    32. Praseodymium
    33. Platinum
    34. Potash
    35. Quartz
    36. Rare earth elements
    37. Rhodium
    38. Ruthenium
    39. Samarium
    40. Sand
    41. Selenium
    42. Silver
    43. Staurolite
    44. Sulphur
    45. Talc
    46. Tellurium
    47. Titanium
    48. Tourmaline
    49. Vanadium
    50. Xenotime
    51. Zinc
    52. Zircon
Gerdau logoGerdau logoBlog

Gerdau commits two operations to IRMA independent assessment

The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is pleased to announce that the Brazilian steelmaker Gerdau has committed to third-party independent assessments of its Várzea do Lopes and Miguel Burnier iron ore mining operations in Minas Gerais against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. Both mining complexes have been in operation since 2006.

SCS Global Services, an IRMA-approved certification body, will be carrying out the assessment, which includes a desk review (stage 1) followed by an onsite audit (stage 2). After SCS’s draft audit report is reviewed by IRMA and Gerdau, Gerdau may release the report or has the option to take up to twelve months to implement a Corrective Action Plan before the audit firm assigns a Performance Level.

Stakeholder Engagement in the Assessment

Interested stakeholders and members of the public can sign up to receive updates about the Gerdau independent assessments (e.g., the timing of the stage 2 onsite visit, link to public summary of audit results). The Mines Under Assessment page of IRMA’s website will also provide up-to-date information on all assessments.

Mine site stakeholders are invited to submit comments to SCS Global Services regarding the social and environmental performance of the Gerdau operations (in particular, how the performance of the mine sites measuree against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining).

Stakeholders of the Gerdau mines may also contact SCS Global Services if they are interested in being interviewed as part of the assessment process.

Stakeholder comments and expressions of interest in being interviewed as part of the audit process can also be submitted by email or mail to:

SCS Global Services
2000 Powell St. #600 Emeryville, California, USA 94608

Please share this announcement, and feel free to contact SCS Global directly to provide names and contact information for other Gerdau stakeholders who may be interested in knowing about and participating in the mine site assessment process.

For more information

Screenshot of webinarScreenshot of webinarBlog

Albemarle Atacama Audit release webinar

On 21 June, the day after the release the audit report of Albemarle’s Planta Salar de Atacama lithium operation, IRMA hosted a webinar to discuss the significance of the report, and the IRMA Standard and process through which the operation was independently assessed. In volunteering its operation for assessment and scoring IRMA 50, Albemarle submitted its practices to unprecedented public transparency, providing information that all stakeholders can use to decide what’s going well, and what may require more attention, at the mine.

The 1 hour webinar, which is about 1/2 presentation and 1/2 Q&A, is available below in English and Español.




IRMA board and staff in 2019IRMA board and staff in 2019Blog

IRMA is hiring: Standards Director & Mining Engagement Lead

As interest and engagement in IRMA continues to grow, we are now seeking new staff.

Standards Director

The Standards Director will focus on and oversee the development of IRMA’s standards, including managing public consultation processes on new standards and revisions of existing standards, overseeing expert working groups, and developing and updating standard guidance.

The successful candidate will work closely with IRMA’s Executive Director, IRMA’s Assurance Director, and IRMA’s Senior Policy Advisor.

Read the whole description including salary, and apply at Acre.

Mining Engagement Lead

The Mining Engagement Lead will support mining companies to find value for their engagement with IRMA; guide them to use the IRMA Standard and system to improve mines’ social and environmental performance; and develop tools, materials, and interactive sessions to engage and educate mining sector stakeholders.

The successful candidate will work closely with the Deputy Director, Executive Director and the team of sector and regional leads.

Read the whole description including salary, and apply at Acre.

Albemarle Atacama Audit thumbnailAlbemarle Atacama Audit thumbnailAudits

Albemarle Atacama Audit Report Released

Albemarle’s Salar de Atacama became the first lithium mine in the world to complete an independent audit of their performance against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. The audit can be found on the Salar Plant, Salar de Atacama (Albemarle) mine assessment page, the IRMA press release is in english and español, and you can download an audit packet including the audit itself and supporting materials (español).

IRMA’s Executive Director Aimee Boulanger and Assurance Director Michelle Smith will hold a webinar Q&A about IRMA audits on Wednesday 21 June at 11am Chile time (EDT). The webinar will be simultaneously interpreted in Spanish. Register here.

Albemarle’s Salar de Atacama operation scored at the IRMA 50 performance level (español), meaning the independent audit firm ERM-CVS verified that the mine met all critical requirements of the IRMA Standard, as well as at least 50% of the Standard’s criteria in four areas: social responsibility, environmental responsibility, business integrity and planning for positive legacies.

Salar de Atacama joins 12 other industrial-scale mines worldwide that are undergoing independent audits against the IRMA Standard in 2023. After an initial self-assessment, a participating mine engages a third-party audit firm — trained and approved by IRMA — to conduct a detailed independent evaluation, including on-site visits to the mine and nearby communities.

It’s important to note that IRMA audits do not yield “certification,” nor do they declare at what point a site becomes a “responsible mine.” The IRMA system is built to have more transparent conversation on the impacts, at a table where civil society and labor have voice equal to the private sector, and which seeks to create greater value to reduce harm.

In doing this audit, Albemarle has volunteered to be measured against a standard more rigorous, requiring more public engagement, and more transparent sharing of results than any other global mining standard. It is an act of leadership and commitment to increasing dialogue across diverse stakeholder sectors and with Indigenous rights holders to engage in this process.

It’s important to note that the audit report also provide an honest accounting for IRMA’s own progress as the Standard and its assessment process continue to mature. “If the results don’t fully reflect the experience of communities, Indigenous rights holders or other affected groups, we want to hear from them.” — Aimee Boulanger.


For More Information

Webinar Q&A

  • Wednesday, 21 Jun, 11am Chile time (EDT)
  • Speakers: IRMA Executive Director Aimee Boulanger, and Assurance Director Michelle Smith
  • Topics include: The IRMA process, how this independent audit occurred, how stakeholders can use this audit report
  • Register here