

WWF Calls on Corporates to Implement Credible Mining Certification

WWF Germany recently published a report, Boom in Raw Materials: Between Profits and Losses, which offers one of the first concrete rebuttals from a major environmental group against the notion that industry actions alone are enough to move the global industrial mining sector towards greater responsibility.

Overall the report says companies need to take the following actions:

  • Identify their risks and impacts related to mining and metals, and seek strategies with a range of stakeholders including NGOs.
  • Demand supply chain due diligence from their suppliers to uphold credible mining standards.
  • Implement credible certification at the mine site level.

In the sections of the report calling for corporate action, the authors point primarily to the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) as a credible, multi-stakeholder-driven option for assurance of more responsible industrial mining at the mine site level. . . IRMA was cited throughout the report as it is the only current certification system that offers a comprehensive standard offering one-stop coverage of the full range of environmental and social issues related to the impacts of industrial-scale mines.

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New Standard for Responsible Mining Released

Multi-sector effort to certify social and environmental performance at mine sites globally.

TORONTOJune 28 2018 /CNW/ – Today, the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) released the Standard for Responsible Mining, a precedent-setting global certification program for industrial-scale mine sites. With growing awareness and demand for ecologically and socially-responsible products jewelers, electronics businesses, auto makers and others have sought assurances that the minerals they purchase are mined responsibly. The Standard seeks to emulate for industrial-scale mine sites what has been done with certification programs in organic agriculture, responsible forestry and sustainable fisheries. An online IRMA Engagement Map was also launched today that will allow responsible producers and purchasers of minerals to demonstrate their commitment to a responsible minerals value chain and make contact to enable business relationships to develop.

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